Have you ever felt spiritually stressed?
Who are you praying to these days?
Do you feel like you have been dialing the wrong number or that the connection fades in and out?
Or have you given up completely?
It is a very good idea at these times of global changes to cultivate sacredness. To make a point to connect with something that inspires you deeply and have it not related to anything electronic. It may be being in nature, it may be deep meditation or perhaps in ancient, spiritual rituals. Inner silence and learning to go within for your answers is vital. I respect all the creative ways that individuals find peace within. I have been on Spiritual quest since childhood and today I am still sensitizing my perception of Divinity.
Lately I am noticing how some people are really struggling with either too much focus on Spirituality or they are in disbelief and desperation.
Here is something to contemplate to further deepen your relationship to Divinity/Spirit/God/Light.
Or you can even change those words and replace it with “the present moment”.
What if those negative patterns from childhood that you have tried so hard to clear is now affecting your level of connection with Divinity?
I am inspired to share my thoughts with you on spiritual stress because I have noticed that those who have more certainty in their relationship to the Divine have less over all stress in their lives.
I have also noticed that obsession with spirituality is actually counter-productive and doesn’t create much peace.
It seems to me that everyone is so genuine in wanting connection and significance. But if we don’t have awareness, we just might project our old behaviors once again-this time projecting it onto Divinity.
t is so heartwarming to see so many of us doing self-healing work and practicing being in the moment. I have been studying relationship dynamics and inner child work for awhile now and I am noticing how unresolved patterns of the past are keeping some people from having a healthy and intimate relationship with Divinity.
Below are some examples of patterns and how they manifest:
Addictive tendencies. This might show up as buying spiritual books excessively.
Revenge against God. If you think you are special and haven’t gotten what you wanted, you might be pissed off at God.
Being demanding with God. Your internal dialogue with divinity is like a spoiled child with endless needs.
Patterns of guilt. You are constantly doing spiritual practices and thinking what else can you deprive yourself of to make yourself feel more at ease.
Helplessness. You just feel that God never responds so you might as well give up. Not making any attempt to connect just makes it worse and you might end up depressed, but you don’t really know why.
Unworthiness. Feeling that no matter what you do, you are still not worthy of Grace and Holiness.
Negative religious programming. Thinking that you are “bad” and uncomfortable with words such as Holy, Devotion and Sacred.
These are just a few patterns that I have noticed in myself and in clients.
I have found that if you create more awareness on how you are relating to God/Spirit/Divinity/NOW, you will have more sensitivity to the Grace that is constantly trying to pour in your life.
One way to create awareness on this topic is to process how you related to your parents or care takers you had as a child. The best way I know how to become aware and integrate unconscious, negative patterns is to do breathwork. The breath keep you in present time!
Breathwork can not only help you see misperceptions that are keeping you stressed but also support you in having a physical experience of your inherent connection to Divinity.
And that is priceless!
Once you have certainty of your innocence, anything you choose to do is for your highest good.
Once you have certainty of your holiness, you can receive all the good you desire.
Once you have certainty of your connection to Divinity, everything you do is Spiritual.
Be light, play hard, and laugh often!