It's Thanksgiving time in the US.
A time to gather with family and friends and share food, love and gratitude.
I am aware that for some people right now the feeling of gratitude is not the easiest to access.
What if you don't really feel grateful?
What if it's been a hard year for you, or if the world's issues has you on a spiral down into gloomy feelings?
Instead of making yourself wrong try these simple steps to have and enjoy a bigger grateful heart. Please share with others as you never know who is struggling within.
1. Energetically lower any walls, barriers, barricades, or "Do Not Enter" signs around your heart center. Allow your heart to open, staying present and vulnerable.
2. Do a fear and/or resentment inventory. You can do it as a writing process if you wish or just ask "If I was resenting someone or something right now what would it be?", "If I had fear right now what would it be?", and "what would it take to clear it?". Let it go.
3. Invoke kindness. Lower your barriers again and soften your edges and become aware of your surroundings. Start with expressing gratitude for the obvious things around you. "I am grateful for the roof over my head" "I am grateful for the clothes I am wearing" "I am grateful for the body I have". Slowing expand your awareness and your vision acknowledging the blessings in your life by expressing conscious gratitude for it. "I am grateful for my friend" "I am grateful for the town I live in" I am grateful for all the events in my life that led me to this very moment" "I am grateful for this journey called life" "I am grateful that I am in my life" I am grateful for the Earth". Etc.
Acknowledge YOU! Acknowledge yourself for creating all the things in your life! Good or bad because at the end of the day ALL of it is a contribution to your personal evolution. Once you can do that with sincerity you will naturally extend it to others.
I am grateful that I never give up on my happiness. Gratitude expands who you are, what you are, what you do, and the gift you are to the world.
Thank you for your contribution to me and to the world!
Happy Thanksgiving!