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…And so the wind has brought me back East

Yes! I moved back to where I call home...South Florida! More specifically the charming town of Delray Beach. When I moved to S.FL I was 15 years old and fresh from the boat! Kidding! :-) I flew from Brazil and landed in Miami. It was here that I made my early history of an Immigrant trying to fit in. It was no struggle in adjusting to the new culture. I learned English in 6 months and loved being here from day 1. Never once had a thought of moving back. Florida was home for 21 years.

4 years ago my adventurous spirit was asking for change. For no particular reason I moved across the country to California just in the name of EXPANSION. California gave me so many gifts. Not only did my journey expanded my entire Being but it made me realize how amazing my life was here. I am so grateful for my family, friends, and the entire S.FL community for supporting me and welcoming back!

In Los Angeles I was once again the new kid on the block trying to fit in but this time I struggled a bit. So I chose to accept the beginners seat and be a student. I took a part time job, met great new friends, and committed to a relationship. While keeping up with my Breathwork I started taking Access Consciousness Classes. I was attracted to it since I love energy work and when I heard the founder say “It will increase your ability to receive” I was sold! I will do anything that will help me receive more from the Universe. I always knew the core block we all have is to receive everything that is available to us in the now.

Receiving is an “allowing” not an action. I had learned from the A Course in Miracle that giving and receiving are one in the same. Still, I needed a practical tool to build my receiving muscles. Most us are really good at giving and not so good at  receiving. If we could only drop all judgments and receive each other as we are...If we could drop all expectation and projections and receive all from the Universe...what if we could?

I have been practicing the Access tools for almost 3 years and it has increased my awareness in so many ways. I found a way to drop my righteousness, my sense of fairness, my investment in people getting me, and the rejection when people didn’t get me. I found a way to be lighter in the world. And so much more!

I will resume teaching my monthly Breathwork classes as well as the new tools from Access Consciousness.

My newsletter will continue to be about Breath, Consciousness, and how to make this reality work for us not against us.  If it does not resonate with you unsubscribe bellow. If it does please share with others. Lets continue to expand in community.

I love being a contribution to you...if you receive me!

Happy New Year!!


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